Temple of the Magdalene

This site is dedicated to Mary Magdalene.  Please visit my primary website Authentic Freedom(dot)Love by clicking on the image below:

The Temple of the Magdalene, founded by Lauri Ann Lumby, OM, MATS, provides resources, guidance and tools which support you in becoming fully self-actualized. Through the process of self-actualization, you will discover the uniquely creative way in which you have been gifted to find meaning, purpose and fulfillment in your life and through which you are compelled to serve the betterment of the world.  The Temple of the Magdalene was inspired by and is dedicated to the work begun by Mary, called Magdalene and which finds its fulfillment now.

Mary Magdalene is the only one identified to have completed the full course of Jesus’ teachings and was initiated as co-equal partner and Beloved with Christ. It was to Mary whom Jesus first revealed his resurrected/Christed Self and it was Mary he commissioned to share the good news with the other disciples and to continue his work in his stead.

Mary, honored with the title “Magdalene” (meaning “Great Tower”), most fully understood, integrated and then embodied the highest and deepest levels of Jesus’ teachings, becoming fully self-actualized through Jesus’ guidance. In becoming self-actualized, Mary, in the fullness of her humanness, embodied her own Divinity – like Jesus, becoming fully human and fully divine.  Through this level of knowledge, Mary experienced the alchemical, transformative and UNIVERSAL truth inherent in Jesus’ teachings – the truth of Oneness – oneness within one’s self, with the Divine, with others and with all of creation.  It is the truth of this Oneness that Mary then went on to teach, along with the alchemical, initiatory process that Jesus facilitated for her and taught her to facilitate for others.  Mary’s mission, then, could be said to support others in their own self-actualization.

The Temple of the Magdalene is rooted in the original teachings of Jesus – those which tell us the Divine is LOVE and that we are all ONE with this LOVE. Transcending doctrine and dogma, the Temple of the Magdalene provides education, guidance and support which empower you to cultivate a direct and personal encounter with the Divine. It is through this connection with the guidance and support of the Divine that you will discover your own truth and how you are called to find meaning, purpose and fulfillment in this life. The Temple of the Magdalene seamlessly integrates tools from both Western Psychology and Western Contemplative Spirituality, further supporting you in your journey of self-actualization (for more on the specific tools used, click HERE).

The Temple of the Magdalene provides a wide variety of opportunities and pathways for supporting your own transformation:

Magdalene Priest/Priestess Training: Learn more HERE.

 Resurrecting the Magdalene online course.  Learn more HERE.

Online Community Gatherings.  Learn more HERE. 

Contact Lauri Lumby directly at (920) 230-1313 or lauri (at) templeofthemagdalene (dot)com